Ethiopian Christians Bringing Life to Ethiopia!!
This is Fikere's charity (Human Beings Association of Brotherhood) in the provincial capital of Tigrai Province, Mekelle, Ethiopia. It started out simply as Fikere was moved with compassion to do something for young boys who were living on the streets of Mekelle. As crops fail, kids often come to the city to beg and they are all on their own. Over the years, the number of kids Fikere cares for has grown. He also helps them to make some of their own money by being shoe-shine boys as one quick example.
With my dear brother, Fikere, at his charity's main office in Mekelle. You can see some of the kids he has helped feed and provide shelter and education for in the pictures on the wall.
Fikere with one of his volunteer workers. Their work started out in Mekelle, but they are even helping out in villages hours away from Mekelle.
Have you ever met someone that you felt deserved the highest recognition award available to man?! Someone who sacrifices so much of themselves in helping out others that they inspire you?! Someone who does the kind of things that most of us only dream about doing but find excuses and other "more imporant things" to do that keep us away from such lofty notions of charity; actions that mostly go unnoticed by the world but have eternal consequences in individual lives. Well, I have been blessed and humbled to meet such people in my travels to northern Ethiopia. Fikere is one such individual. May the LORD continue to bless him and his work for the LORD in pulling others out of the miry clay and pointing them to Jesus!
"...the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." (Daniel 11:32)
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