Monday, September 19, 2005

TAG Team/Prayer Supporters Letter, Sep. 19th, 2005

Dear TAG Team/Prayer Supporters,
God is at work among the T and the Hebron health project and has added 2 new people, PTL!!! You have been praying for a translator partner for me, and for a replacement teacher for the one leaving. God has heard and answered your prayers!!
The translator partner is currently only able to work with me on Saturdays, but will fulfill another contract by Feb. and expects to join me full time then. She is also the project bookkeeper. She has been well received by the teachers and clinic nurse, PTL!!
The new teacher I met with this week, and he will begin by Sept.26. He is an oral learner and also licensed as a teacher for priests and deacons. He is already known as a friend of the present teachers and will fit in quickly. PTL!! Pray for his adjustment and acceptance in the community.
We are currently at the end of our 1st 3 months and 10 health lessons. These lessons have already opened opportunities for the teachers to share their faith and life experiences, drawing from and using scripture. The suspicions of the people that the teachers have come to “change & spoil their traditional religion”, which is works-based and includes many false teachings, have quieted as they’ve watched & listened to the teachers live & work among them and support them in their pregnancy’s. As they are trusting and accepting the teachers more & more as “family”, they will begin to see the special “light” in them, and we trust will “know” that Light one day.
We are on lesson 3 in our quarterly review & evaluation, and working on writing the new lessons dealing with HIV. Lesson 11 & 12 are on bleeding problems in pregnancy & then we'll begin HIV. We'll begin CBS #1 with Lesson 11. Pray for open hearts and minds as we begin to teach the Bible stories.
We've had certificates made for the participant women's completion of Lessons 1-10 that we'll present at the gibsha after the reviews are finished. The certificates look good & I'm sure they'll like them. At the gibsha one women from each of the teachers groups will work together for the 3 to present a drama of a lesson. Another woman has volunteered to tell how the teaching project has impacted her and changed her life. Then we're encouraging the strong story tellers to each tell a different lesson for the group. The youth will present a program with an HIV drama. Usually their program includes our project teacher who's a deacon & the other community deacon sharing from Scripture. Last time two of the priests also spoke. So, we expect a great gibsha and time to really encourage the women.
11 of the project women have already given birth. Most of the babies are boys. 24 women and 16 men have been tested for HIV. So far 2 men have test HIV+. Their wives tested neg. and have given birth. The 2 couples will be retested in 3 months, & then counseled for a treatment program.
Thank you for partnering in the health project with your faithful prayers. Please be encouraged that God is hearing and answering your requests.
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