Gabe's Field Report, January 2nd, 2006
The ground floor is up and getting ready to install doors and windows.
The second floor slab is ready to put up the walls
Third floor slab is filled with concrete.
The septic tank is complete
Permanent fencing is complete on a third of the site.
When the three floors are complete it will accommodate 60 orphans.
Because of delays in construction the orphanage is expected to be operational in May 2006.
The Translation Consultant evaluated the Tigrinya New Testament and gave his approval. As of Dec 31, 2005 Matthew through Acts are proof read.
The translation of the Old Testament is expected to start in Feb 2005.
Bible Society Branch
We have 3 candidates for the Bible Society Branch Manager position.
The search for the branch office is going on.
The branch will open in early 2006.
Prison Outreach
Counseling of prison inmates that are HIV positive has been continuing for the past 4 months. Two inmates committed their lives to the Lord.
We put Bibles in the cells and distributed Bibles to the HIV positive inmates.
Church service to inmates on Sunday mornings has restarted.
The Visually Impaired
From those that attended the Braille literacy: One has joined 9th grade in a public school and another joined 4th grade. We helped the only girl that attended the Braille literacy to join the boarding school for the Blind and she is in first grade.
We requested the UNICEF to dig a well to solve the water problem of the school for the Blind. UNICEF covered the expenses of digging the well. They found a good supply of ground water at 60 meters (about 70 yards) deep.
A blind kid with life threatening eye tumor was helped to fly to Addis Ababa for surgery accompanied by his mother. An American couple from Vermont financed all expenses. The tumor was removed and the kid is relieved to know that the tumor is not cancerous.
Other Involvements
We mentioned in our last report about a second-degree burn patient in Mekelle hospital that we helped to get treated in Addis. She has completely recovered and is back to Mekelle. She was bed ridden for two and half years and sleeping only on her back. She is able to walk and is pain free.
Prayer Requests
God's guidance for accuracy, efficiency, good health and the impact of the Word in their lives.
Funding for operating cost and to finish construction.
Funding for the income generating projects.
For the right staff that will give genuine and godly tender loving care.
For us:
For wisdom, protection, divine appointments and good health.
Grace for travel to the US & Germany and Israel. That we be a blessing to others in this fund raising trip for the orphanage and other projects.
Extra grace to work out on many loose ends before we leave in mid February.
The Lord bless you for your involvement in this part of His vineyard. Together we will make a difference.
Wishing you a blessed new year with eternal fruit that will delight the Lord
Gebre Medhin & Connie
The ground floor is up and getting ready to install doors and windows.
The second floor slab is ready to put up the walls
Third floor slab is filled with concrete.
The septic tank is complete
Permanent fencing is complete on a third of the site.
When the three floors are complete it will accommodate 60 orphans.
Because of delays in construction the orphanage is expected to be operational in May 2006.
The Translation Consultant evaluated the Tigrinya New Testament and gave his approval. As of Dec 31, 2005 Matthew through Acts are proof read.
The translation of the Old Testament is expected to start in Feb 2005.
Bible Society Branch
We have 3 candidates for the Bible Society Branch Manager position.
The search for the branch office is going on.
The branch will open in early 2006.
Prison Outreach
Counseling of prison inmates that are HIV positive has been continuing for the past 4 months. Two inmates committed their lives to the Lord.
We put Bibles in the cells and distributed Bibles to the HIV positive inmates.
Church service to inmates on Sunday mornings has restarted.
The Visually Impaired
From those that attended the Braille literacy: One has joined 9th grade in a public school and another joined 4th grade. We helped the only girl that attended the Braille literacy to join the boarding school for the Blind and she is in first grade.
We requested the UNICEF to dig a well to solve the water problem of the school for the Blind. UNICEF covered the expenses of digging the well. They found a good supply of ground water at 60 meters (about 70 yards) deep.
A blind kid with life threatening eye tumor was helped to fly to Addis Ababa for surgery accompanied by his mother. An American couple from Vermont financed all expenses. The tumor was removed and the kid is relieved to know that the tumor is not cancerous.
Other Involvements
We mentioned in our last report about a second-degree burn patient in Mekelle hospital that we helped to get treated in Addis. She has completely recovered and is back to Mekelle. She was bed ridden for two and half years and sleeping only on her back. She is able to walk and is pain free.
Prayer Requests
God's guidance for accuracy, efficiency, good health and the impact of the Word in their lives.
Funding for operating cost and to finish construction.
Funding for the income generating projects.
For the right staff that will give genuine and godly tender loving care.
For us:
For wisdom, protection, divine appointments and good health.
Grace for travel to the US & Germany and Israel. That we be a blessing to others in this fund raising trip for the orphanage and other projects.
Extra grace to work out on many loose ends before we leave in mid February.
The Lord bless you for your involvement in this part of His vineyard. Together we will make a difference.
Wishing you a blessed new year with eternal fruit that will delight the Lord
Gebre Medhin & Connie