Saturday, April 01, 2006

Letter from Tatek, April 1st, 2006

Greetings in the name of the Lord!!

Dearest my lovely brother,
First of all I ask a apologize to begin late to write letter for you.
How are you doing? How is everything going on? I am so glad to be you in Canada. How is you Mom and the rest of our family? How is your health? Work that you where doing to tell for other people the Word of God. Because Jesus told us if we know the word of God, we have a responsibility what Jesus said in the book of Matt 28 v 19.
On Saturday I use to help with a children club, in a simple way we tray to explain short stories of the bible. This I do with Bas and his wife Elien, and they are sending there greeting to you too. Finally I miss you so much and hope to see your face soon. When you are in Mekā€™ele. Your truly brother in Christ,
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